

K2 Epidemic Prevention Announcement for COVID-19 (2021)

K2 Epidemic Prevention Announcement for COVID-19 (2021)

In response to the development of the epidemic, K2 Aesthetic will be with you through the epidemic prevention difficulties with the Level 3 COVID-19 alert in Taiwan. In response to the recent severe domestic COVID-19 epidemic, cases and clusters of infections of unknown origin have occurred in Taiwan one after another, the Executive Yuan announced on May 25th the third level of national epidemic prevention alert from now to July 26th. During the third level of alert, K2 Medical adopted flexible shunting to work in an all-round way. In response to the epidemic prevention policy of the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), we will also roll-over the company's relevant epidemic prevention regulations. The company maintains uninterrupted services, and customer service, emergency repairs and shipments are not interrupted during the period. During the epidemic prevention period, let us all work together to tide over the difficulties. thanks : )

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